Posted in life, problems, solutions], stress

Burying your anger

Anger is obviously a negative word and we want as few as possible negativity in our lives because anger as we know it can be a cause of many evil things and instead of leaving you joy and contentment, it leaves you sadness and regret.

It’s not wise to harness anger for whatever reasons it maybe. Anger does many horrible things to us humans, it makes us blind, deaf, lose respect and even makes us loose our reasoning and ourselves.

They say we should just learn to forgive and forget. Forgiving, is it possible? Yes, it’s possible though we all know it’s a really tough job to forgive but forgetting, that’s a different story. Honestly, could we really forget? If forgiving is hard then this one is far more than that unless you put yourself in a trance.

That is why I say we should always bury the cause of our anger 9 feet under the ground. It’s not totally gone but it’s obviously no where in sight because really sometimes even if we want to forget things it’s hard so just bury it and try to forgive. That one would be easier. You know it happened but you shouldn’t have to contemplate with that negative feeling too much.

Look at the brighter side, what did you learn from it and also always be reminded that anything done with anger would really be close to impossible to result into something beautiful or good.

So take my advice. Just burry the cause of your anger and try to forgive. Yeah maybe from time to time you’d remember it but you don’t always have to. Slowly dig under and when its deep enough, go throw it and leave it. Though its not totally forgotten at least very seldome would you have to remember it and you’ll see soon enough the anger is gone.


Not just a mere number

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